Address is: Formby Pool Trust, Elbow Lane, Formby, L37 4ED
Suitable for all abilities with lots of focus on swim technique and slowly building up your endurance and speed over the winter. Those new to triathlon swimming are particularly welcome.
Each session needs to be pre booked and paid for via CLUBSPARK here Cost is £3.50.
Parking is free in the centre car park but you must put your registration number into the machine in reception.
The Pre-Activity Health screening form must be completed HERE ,before the session if you haven’t previously filled it in. No need to do it if you have previously completed it.
Please bring your own pull buoys, kick boards and a drink.
COVID-19 guidance for this pool
· Please do not arrive before 1550 hours. If you are early, and in a car, please wait in that.
· Face coverings must be worn when you enter the building but can be removed once you have changed. To be put back on as you are leaving.
· There is hand gel in reception please use this or your own, and then use the machine to get the free parking.
· Social distancing must be adhered to at all times.
· Changing, shower and toilet facilities are available. There is now extra changing in a room off the pool side if needed.
· Where possible avoid public transport to the session, walk or cycle if you can. If driving car sharing should only be with those in the same household.
· Rule of 6 applies whilst walking to and from the session.
· Pool has maximum numbers and there will be no more than 4 to a lane.