Open Water Swimming
Wetsuits, swim cap and goggles are recommended as the water temperatures are significantly lower than indoor swimming pools.
The Open Water Season
The season is likely to run from mid April to mid September.
Liverpool Water Sports Centre, Queen's Dock, https://www.liverpoolwatersports.org.uk/
Sessions usually run from April to October each year (some swimmers swim year round by arrangement with the centre).
Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, Crosby Marina
Usually commence in May and run until September, water temperature dependant. If temperature is <11° no swim, <14° wetsuit compulsory. All swimmers need a bright swim hat.
This session is owned by the Lakeside centre and you can register with them either on line or on the day. See website for up to date prices.
West Kirby Marine Lake, Wirral
Saturday mornings - usually May until September 07:30-08:30 cost £4.50 (TBC) for Mersey Tri members.